Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve Eve: The Cafe Gratitude Edition

2010 has been quite a year. There is so much to be grateful for and so much to work on in 2011.

I am grateful for:
Fidget, Lucas, Lily, Lola, Riley, Mari, Scarlet, Oliver, Ethan, Rohan, Sophia, Grant, and Baby No-Name Lidbury.

I am grateful for all of those babies born this year not only for themselves, but for their parents going through this same journey with us - that we have been in it together since 2009 and that we'll be in it together forever more.

I am grateful for Fidget's godparents - that I have such great friends who will be friends to my child and who travel with babies and baby pumps to see us and celebrate with us.

I am grateful for family who also travel to see us despite the distance.

I am grateful for good health.

I am grateful for good medical coverage.

I am grateful for California public policy - mostly.

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